Michele Loeffler, Realtor, Gainesville, FL
Seller Services
Buyer Services
Newcomer Packet

  • Analysis of fair market value of the home, with updates as changing market conditions warrant.
  • Development of a marketing plan, with suggestions for improving saleability.
  • Promotion of the home to fellow Realtors and a wide range of local and out-of-town buyers.
  • Full time availability to show the home and maintain communication with the seller.
  • Screening and qualification of serious buyers.
  • Assistance with the purchase and sale transaction, including all steps of the real estate closing.
  • Relocation assistance for the seller.

    Michele Loeffler, Realtor / Bosshardt Realty Services, LLC
    5210 SW 91st Terrace Gainesville, FL 32608
    (352) 336-6611 ext 119 office / (352) 335-2418 residence / 1.800.284.6110 Toll Free / (352) 336-4363 fax